A. TRUCTURE: 100 % radiography of all butt welding joints of bridge and end carriage to ensure defect-free welding and stronSg and rigid structure. The materials of construction conforms to ISS:226 or ISS:2062 and the bridge is designed for minimum vibration.
B. WHEEL ASSEMBLIES: Trolley and crane wheels are straight treaded double flanged forged steel wheels. Heat treated to achieve a special sorbatized structure upto a depth of 15-20 mm from the surface and gradually diminishing towards the center retaining the Core Properties. These wheels are supported on antifriction ball/roller bearing in special L-type bearing blocks. Wheels also available of gear and pinion type.
C. GEARING: The gear reducers are constructed either in double, triple and quadruple. Reduction using rugged wide faced helical and spur gear that are precision cut from special alloy steel forgings. And to protect the gear train from shock loads, all gears and pinions are supported between two anti friction ball/roller bearings. All gear units are totally enclosed with oil bath splash lubrication.
D. CARRY MORE CRANES MICRO DRIVE SPECIAL GEAR BOXES: the special micro drive provides fine inching movements of hoist , trolley or cranes at the rate of 5% to 20% of the main speed. The micro drive is achieved by a separate gear box, with unique sun and planet system . gearing system fitted on the input side of main gear unit and pony motor with separate brake unit. It is a positive drive and avoids the use of clutches etc.
E. CARRY MORE CRANE DRIVES: We offer a wide selection of A.C. control packages to meet your electrical requirements. We select only the best standard cranes and hoist duty motors and all electrical components and accessories from the nation’s leading manufacturers to ensure dependable driving power.
F. BRAKES: Failsafe magnetic or hydraulic brakes of 150% torque or more are fitted on shaft extension . For heavy duty cranes a second brake can be mounted to ensure failsafe operation.
G. CONTROLS: Pendant control from floor, master control switches, drum controllers or cam controllers in the driver’s cabin can be provided.
H. CABIN: Open or enclosed type driver’s cabin available. The cabs can be provided either at one end of the bridge girder, or center of bridge girder. Moving type cabin fited with crab can also be provided. Enclosed cabin is well ventilated but air conditioned cabin can also be provided. Standard cabin accessories are operating switches, protective panel, and safe ladder from platform. Drver’s seat Exhaust fan, Insulated floor matting, Fire extinguishers are provide on request.